Today the wind is very heavy and blustery outside. The skies are a concrete grayish color with clouds moving along, chasing each other as if to get to the end of some illusive finish line. I could be in a poor kind of mood today, but....
I have been praying for a friend for awhile now that had a tough situation, much like the rough looking skies today, going on in her life. Every day my husband and I and many others have lifted her up to the Lord in prayer for healing, strength and wisdom. Whatever God had going on in her life, she needed others to pray for her.
When we pray, God tells us to not only seek Him, but to believe in what we are asking for or seeking. Otherwise, what is the point? We are just wasting words and our time and God's if we aren't sincere in the pursuit. I had worried for my friend that the news she would get would be frightful, but we started asking God to guard her heart, lift her spirits and minister to her needs and make her fearless. Today, I got a text that she will be fine! The Dr. saw her and told her that she was healthier than first thought and she will be okay! WOW! What GOOD NEWS!! I am thankful for her report! She has a family and is the "hub" of that family. Without her, I am sure they could go on, but it would be difficult. Her sky turned bright and sunny today! Good news is always so welcome to hear! Our God listens every time!
If you listen to the news, they hardly EVER have a piece of good news to share. Everything is geared to the doom and gloom and to the sad and desperate things of life. I am sure there are many good things out there that could be reported, but for some odd reason, the news folks think all we want to hear is the scandalous and bad stuff! I don't know about you, but I get kinda tired of the bad stuff and it only serves to make our society more cranky, unhappy and fearful. We gripe about others, we gripe about our jobs, we gripe about things that are not necessary. Could it be that no good news makes us have bad attitudes? I think so!
I try to start each day with a thankful heart, starting with my family and home. I am thankful for a husband that loves me and our children, I am thankful for a solid home. I am thankful for a God who leads and guides me but... I tend to gripe too much and know it is wrong, so I repent and try to do better the next time. On the days where the "thankfuls" get swallowed up by the "gripes", my day is unhappy, heavy and stormy. On days where I keep my thoughts on things that are positive, joyful and thankful, I am still happy all the way to sleep at night.
We have a choice in what we run to each new day, you do as well as I do. We choose to run to the "bad news" or the "good news". The ultimate good news is that Jesus died for you! I know that doesn't sound like a very good thing, but if He didn't, you couldn't make it to heaven. We can never be good enough to make it on our own. Our lives are sin filled, it's that simple. When Jesus climbed up on that dry rough wooden cross and allowed them to put spikes through His hands and feet, I KNOW it hurt!!!!!!!! When they placed the crown of thorns on his head, I am SURE the headache he got was massive. His face stung from the wounded flesh where His beard had been pulled out by the handfuls and sweat ran down, but he saw you and me through His pain. He saw you when they lifted his cross up and placed it in the hole of the ground. He saw you when they gave him bitter vinegar to drink because his mouth was dry. He saw you when people yelled at Him to get himself down if He was the Son of God. He saw you while he looked out at the people weeping and the people laughing and mocking. He saw us because He knew that by the shedding of His blood and being a sacrifice for us, we could get to heaven if we believed and recieved the free gift of eternal life that God wanted to give us if we would just take it and believe that God had sent His Son for US. How simple! What good news! It makes me feel small and unworthy that He would have done that for me and yet, this news is the BEST I have ever heard and I am glad he did that for me because one day I can personally thank Him in person myself!!
The ultimate bad news then is this, if you want to walk through this life looking for your own way and if you want to think that when you die, you just die, go ahead. I PROMISE you that you are wrong and there is life after this one and if you don't choose to give your life to God through Jesus, you will spend eternity separated and in Hell. I don't like to think about this either, to my flesh, it seems harsh, but I know in my heart this is true. The God who made us doesn't want any of us to take the bad news to live by, but He allows us to make the choice, He doesn't make it for us. He won't push you, you're a "big kid" you can choose. He doesn't want the life you've lived or what horrific things you may have done to yourself or anyone else to keep you from spending eternity with Him. He wants to wash you clean and He will if you come to Him, seek His face and ask Him to forgive you. Doesn't it feel good when you are sweaty and dirty to get in the tub and wash off all the muck and mire of the day and feel clean! That is how your soul fells when God forgives you.
Look for the good news! Look for it every day in your life regardless of your circumstances and look for it for eternity! I PROMISE, your heart will be much happier and your life will have more joy in it! God Bless you today! ~Lori